Kitchen Garden Grow Onion and Garlic at home know easy tips

Kitchen Garden Grow Onion and Garlic at home know easy tips

Kitchen Garden Tips: Common people are very upset with the rising inflation. The government is also making continuous efforts to stop the skyrocketing prices of vegetables. Onion and garlic are also such vegetables which are used in every household. But do you know that you can grow both these vegetables in your own home. Let’s find out how.

To grow onion and garlic at home, you will need 2-3 fresh, thick onions and 10-12 garlic cloves. The soil should be well drained and loamy. The pot should be 10-12 inches deep and wide. After this, take a pot and fill it with well drained soil up to 3/4th of its size.

How to Plant Onions

Peel the onion and press the root part 1 inch deep into the soil. Make sure that the upper part of the onion is visible outside the soil. Plant the onions at a distance of 2-3 inches around in the pot.

How to plant garlic

Press the garlic cloves 2 inches deep into the soil. Keep in mind that the pointed end of the cloves should be facing upwards. Plant garlic at a distance of 2-3 inches around the pot.

Pay special attention to these things

Wet the soil thoroughly, but do not allow water to accumulate. Water again only when the soil is dry. Place the pot in a place where it gets at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. Add water-soluble fertilizer once every 2-3 weeks.

When to cut

When the onion leaves turn yellow and start drying, it is time to harvest. Carefully uproot the onions from the ground. Dry the chopped onions in a well-ventilated place. On the other hand, when the garlic leaves turn yellow and start drying, it is time to harvest. Carefully uproot the garlic cloves from the ground. Dry the chopped garlic cloves in a well-ventilated place.

These are useful tips

  • You can also grow onions and garlic in plastic bottles or containers.
  • Fresh air and sunlight are essential for the healthy growth of plants.
  • Keep watering as per requirement, do not give more or less water.
  • By adding fertilizer, plants get nutrition and their growth is good.

Read this also- Plant cherry tomatoes in the kitchen garden, the hassle of buying them at high prices from the market will end

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